On April 25, 2009, we headed out as a group to the 13th Annual Leesburg Bikefest. In spite of the blazing heat -- summer came way too early this year in Central Florida -- we all had a great time riding up, then visiting all the vendors and just goofing off in general. The Divas that attended were Debi, Chris, Trish, Victoria, Sharon C, Akili, Melissa, Lisa, Donna and me, Bunny. Chris' roommate, Don, also joined us.
We were able to get Sharon C. to try boiled peanuts for the first time. We also learned that you could buy 600 thread count cotton sheets at a motorcycle event. Who knew?!
We were able to get Sharon C. to try boiled peanuts for the first time. We also learned that you could buy 600 thread count cotton sheets at a motorcycle event. Who knew?!

Getting ready for KSU (kickstands up)